Passive Adoptions
Have you ever wanted a pet but for some reason couldn’t have one?
Maybe your apartment doesn’t allow animals or maybe you have a family member who’s allergic, but whatever the reason, you simply can’t have a pet of your own.
Or maybe you already have one too many at home.
CARE gives you the chance to become a godparent to an animal in need via passive adoption.
The highlight of our shelter, is without a doubt, our permanent residents. There are people who have sworn that every time you spend time with them and walk out, it feels like they have completed a session of therapy. The animals at CARE have fought their own battles, and emerged as true heroes who take it as their duty to spread love among visitors.
They are heroes who don’t wear capes.
How do I Passively Adopt?
Passive adoption gives you the opportunity to sponsor one of our permanent resident animals at CARE, for just Rs. 1000 a month. With this small contribution, you would be providing food, medicine and other necessities for animals that need to remain at the shelter due to pre-existing circumstances. In return, the shelter will keep you updated on your pet by sending you pictures and news, and you can even come and visit them whenever you’re in the area.
Please remember, CARE constantly gets new animals, so we’ll try to keep this deck as updated as possible.
If you would like to passively adopt an animal from the list below, please navigate to our Donate page or email us at
Phone: 9035999372/ 8123038270
The gorgeous Amy… She came in as an abandoned pup. Being of a very naughty nature, she used to try getting into houses and people around tried to stone her. She ended up as a permanent resident of CARE and continues her mischief here. You will never find her inside a kennel, most of the time she stands on the roof of one!
She is all love for humans except when it’s time for a bath (that’s probably the only time you will see her lying on the floor and refusing to move an inch). After the bath, she is again all happy to lick and kiss you.. She is a great playmate for many of the other dogs given her high energy and cheerful ways.

Anna of the soulful kind eyes and sweetest disposition was brought to CARE with one hind limb and one fore limbs badly broken after a vehicle ran her down. We didn’t have much hopes about her ability to walk again but she proved us wrong. Fighting her condition with everything she had, we rooted for her at every step. Sadly, no one knew where she came from and so she lives with us, filling our lives with happiness.
Ben, aka Ramu, lived in Hebbal as a community dog and was looked after by the people in the area. His life turned upside down when he met with a gruesome accident that left his lower jaw crushed and broken, making him unable to even eat or drink. Ranjani, a kind soul, alerted the CARE team about his condition and we brought him here.
His tail hasn’t ceased wagging ever since he met all of us. We are leaving no stone unturned to help this happy soul get the best of medical aid and live a happily-ever-after life with us at the CARE shelter.
Bijlee is often seen as a part of the daily gossip among her dog residents. Her persistence to poke other dogs with her little nose and get into mischief often inspires her other dog friends to do the same.
She was found in a very pathetic condition on the roads of Gulbarga as a little pup. She had a problem with her intestines and was rushed to Bangalore for treatment. Her foster parent is one of the best we’ve seen so far. Unfortunately, she was bitten by a bigger dog, leaving her with a permanent disability in her hind legs.
With grit and determination, she overcame all odds and came to live with us. She got along well with the others and is one of our naughtiest dogs today. She justifies her name by being the fastest to run when fetching the ball. She is smart in finding abandoned brushes and immediately takes on the duty of chewing them. She has the biggest smile that can instantly melt hearts and she is capable of dominating all other dogs.
Biscuit will slide up to you and beg you to open the shelter gates so she can sneak out for a small round of socializing with the neighborhood dogs. Even while being reputed for her bossiness, she accommodates surprisingly easily with her doggie friends and humans.

It was then that we decided to introduce him to our other permanent cat residents, which was another task altogether. Eventually it all fell in place and now Bolt has adjusted beautifully to his new life and friends. We admire him for his courage and inner strength.

Cashew is a beautiful doggie with a strange brown spotted coat. Friendly, playful and a delight to be around with.
Cashew lost her leg in a horrible road accident.

Today, he has grown into a handsome, intelligent dog and has learnt to unlock the fence of his lawn. He gives our dear Sheshamma a tough time and she is tasked with getting him back into the lawn every time he escapes. He greets every visitor to CARE with his licks and wags, and demands to be pet.

Chowdu hangs out with the vets at the OPD area and lovingly starts following Ms.Sudha whenever he spots her. He is very loving, yet naughty and takes the credit for destroying muzzles.

Gut wrenchingly, none of her pups survived, given that she had spent critical months without the care she deserved.
Daisy today shows no signs of the heartbreak she has endured. Her confident jumps and friendly welcome that she has ready for every visitor are only matched by the sight of her prancing around with Scooby!

In spite of making a recovery, he couldn’t go home as the neighborhood cruelly stoned him.
He returned to CARE as a permanent resident, and now is a serum donor alongside fellow heroes Yami and Bosky.
Danny resides in the permanent residents enclosure, and is quite possessive of volunteers who give him attention. He has a very valid argument ready for other dogs who come near you while he’s getting petted!

She is very curious and friendly. She has a peculiar tilt to her head which is very endearing and she does a horse-like trot when excited! She is known to have the ability to camouflage as a deer and trot around in joy. She can play the joker with her kennel doggie friends

This sweet boy loves having visitors and commands his own space next to the budgies.


Lucy has taken over the mantle of being CARE’s canine therapist from Charlie and today she visits 2 schools to work with special children as a therapist. With the CARE staff and volunteers, she is a spoilt brat, constantly demanding belly rubs and fondly nibbling on your hands. Just watching her rolling on the floor is enough to bring a smile on anyone’s face.

What would an 8 month old dog who is completely blind be like ?
If max is anything to go by, absolutely like any other 8 month old pup.
If you look at him, you would never know he is blind, unless we told you so. Such is his attitude to life.
He tags along the other young dogs, and is always up to some mischief.
He is a life lesson personified.

She is a very friendly and looks up at you with utmost grace as you give her scratches. Her obsession with Stumpy’s legs is puzzling for all of us. She never loses a chance to make a go at Stumpy’s hind leg.

Lakshmi came from CV Raman Nagar with a massively deep maggot wound on top of her head. It was so horrific, that it is difficult to even describe. It took one whole year for the maggot wound to heal. There were setbacks but she persevered and so did our team of vets. With all that time the healing took, it was inevitable that love blossomed between everyone involved, and she is now supervising the OPD area, finding anybody who needs an extra dose of love and promptly delivers it.

She was rushed to CARE where she received treatment for her neural problems and also underwent complete cage rest.
Mishka’s super positive attitude and zest for life pulled her through what could have been a tragedy.
She has fought through spinal and pelvic fracture, improving over the years. Thanks to the special care given by Dr. Estella, she is up on her feet albeit a bit wobbly!
Mishka loves to cuddle up next to her human friends and she overwhelms them with her unconditional love.

He recovered from the surgery but contracted canine distemper. Being the fighter he is, he overcame that also!
Even as they complain of his naughtiness, the staff and volunteers of CARE end up pampering him. He’s the darling of the shelter and an absolute joy to be around!

Nanny & Night
Night (black) has a similar story that led to them both being in the same enclosure. As you can see, they’re best friends!
As you make your way into the permanent resident enclosure, these two bouncing fur balls are sure to catch your attention in the Super Trooper area. As much as they are best friends, you’ll find them pushing each other to reach out you. They are probably constantly at a game of “Who gets more scratches?”

She is a friendly girl. She can ‘see’ her way around even better than the dogs with sight; she can sense your presence near her and will seek you out for petting and pampering. Her hero and protector at the shelter is Schiffy.

Her recovery was so dramatic that it was almost unbelievable that she was the same dog after a few months. She made a very quick recovery thanks to Dr. Estella D’Cunha and Dr. Amitha.
Today she is one of the naughtiest dogs in the shelter and will nip you silently and you ‘ll wonder who pinched you. We call her the ‘Flying Pup’ after seeing her dash around the shelter even with her injured leg.

He is very naughty and sometimes temperamental (mostly as a defence towards new people, especially if they’re in a group).
The darling of the shelter, he is always upto some mischief. Can destroy boxes full of toys, can chew your jeans into half, can eat a whole shoe lace and can dismember smart phones in a jiffy!

He came to us from Jakkur where he was found lying in a ditch. He had terrible skin issues that left him absolutely hairless. As the issue was contagious, we were not allowed to handle him much. He would cry endlessly to be pet.
He started to get better but his compromised immune system resulted in him contracting canine distemper.
Today, he has overcome all the issues, and all you see is a very naughty pup who loves to splash around and tease the permanent residents. He’s best friends with Clifford and Lily.

Ruby was rescued after she met with an accident as a wee pup. Her hind leg couldn’t be saved and she had to undergo amputation surgery.
She hasn’t found a home due to this and lives with the rest of the Gangs of Charliepur, contributing in her own, small way to the mayhem caused by the Gang!

Sam was brought to the CARE shelter with a huge maggot wound on his face which had destroyed one eye completely and partially damaged the other one. The sight of him could make even the hardest of hearts shudder. But somewhere in there, there was a warrior who wanted to fight and survive to tell the tale. With dedicated treatment and prolonged rest in our postoperative recovery cages where we ensured utmost hygiene for months together, today we can finally say that he is almost healed and has regained sight in the remaining eye.
We couldn’t bring ourselves to drop him back on the street so he stayed on. Despite the nature of his injuries and what he went through, he’s a curious boy and friendly too.

Sweet little Shilpa was rescued by the police when she met with an accident. Though she recovered well, her hind leg has a permanent disability. Shilpa has gone through numerous adoption queries, camps, etc but was always rejected because of her deformity. For us, she’s very special and has a place in our hearts forever.

It was decided that she would stay at CARE, and she now spends her days basking in the sunshine, catching up on well-deserved rest.

Smiley was born with a genetic deformity in her spine leading to weak and stiff hind legs. She was hand-raised by a rescuer till she was able to fend for herself and then we took over.
She had an odd endearing walk which makes her so special.

Spunky suffered a terrible accident which rendered her hind legs paralyzed. We felt she would lose the use of both her hind legs permanently, however, we worked on her intensively with a lot of laser therapy and now she manages just fine. She has a lot of spunk & grit, and so the name stuck.

She is very friendly with a beautiful temperament.
Easily one of the most good looking dogs in CARE with her gorgeous golden coat and doe like eyes, she knows how to wrap everyone around her furry paws. Loves people, loves playing, loves life.
Being the other half of the “Terrible Twins” duo, Stumpy has another side. She is now the official canine therapist for CARE. She is wonderful with the specially abled children she works with.

A gruesome accident shattered her hind leg into pieces rendering her helpless, bleeding and in unfathomable pain on the streets.
When she came to CARE, we knew that the road to recovery would be a long, arduous one given that she had a compound overriding fracture but we had made up our mind, that we were going to be right next to her at every step.
She required a major surgery, followed by rest and some uninterrupted TLC. Laser therapy proved to be a boon for Sweetie. She eventually stood on her own, and her leg could finally bear the weight of her body.
Sweetie’s recovery was indeed a sweet victory for all of us at CARE.
We couldn’t bring ourselves to drop her back on the street, so she stayed on at Care.

Teddy loves to cuddle up to you, and will not tolerate any other dog coming in between.

CARE wants to disprove the hypothesis – “no one would want to adopt a three-legged dog.” We have great faith in our followers and well-wishers – we know people can look beyond a dog’s outward appearance.
Tiger is a perfectly normal, healthy dog. Now, while humans might consider a missing leg a handicap, dogs don’t. This boy can do anything a four-legged dog can do – he is playful, energetic and even protects his little pack!
He may have three legs but he has the same heart of gold like any other dog out there and maybe even more of it.

She is the loudest, most feisty dog in the permanent resident area and was thick friends with Scotch, the lab who had a penchant for grabbing your purse, mobile phone etc. Tiny used to take her revenge by having a go at Scotch’s collar.
Tiny reminds us about the saying, it’s never about the size of the dog in the fight, it’s about the size of the fight in the dog.
Looking at her hopping around at super speed in spite of her severe disability makes us proud of her.

While he couldn’t go back, he’s a regular serum donor for other CD-afflicted pups that need help. Baahubali indeed!
Baahu takes credit for starting most of the dog fights but he is a darling with humans. He greets every visitor to the permanent residents area by standing up on his hind legs and leaning on them with his front paws.

When we first saw Video aka Jumping Jack, we burst out laughing! He was a beautiful brindle-colored package who kept prancing with his hind legs lifted in the air. But we also realized that this was a serious neurological condition that needed immediate attention. Sadly he was tied to our gates so we have no idea where he came from.
Today he’s the master of the treatment area, carefully supervising every action the vets take.

Wilbur came to us after suffering from a pelvic fracture that he sustained on the streets after being hit by a vehicle. He is approximately one year old and incredibly active and naughty. It took three months of dedicated efforts of the CARE vets and staff to make him stand and then take baby steps. What made the task even more difficult is that he was not friendly at all. He would snap at us if we went near him. But slowly and steadily, he has learnt to trust a few.
He loves himself a good roll in the mud, being the quintessential dirty little piggy.

By nature he is quiet and is a loner. But on one of those odd moments when you are least expecting it, he will walk up to you and wag his tail.
Yami is a life saver for other canine distemper victims. He has saved around 150 of them by donating his blood serum to them.
He is truly a hero at CARE!

She had a mutilated front leg, the result of a horrific accident. Unfortunately the other two passed away due to life threatening illnesses leaving Yellow alone. Yellow’s leg was amputated and it tore us apart to drop this slightly built three legged back in the not, bad world and so yellow came to live with us.
She was called Yellow due to her strange yellowish coat color.
She is one of the most gentle and peace-loving doggies in the shelter and is a favourite among the volunteers.

George came as a 3 month old pup who had met with a terrible accident. The hind leg had to be amputated, and so he stayed on with us.

Scamp came as a 3 month old pup, who had an amputation after an accident, and with nowhere to go, he stayed on. He is now one of the most notorious member of the Gangs of Charliepur – constantly getting into scraps with Gabriel and being put in his place by Smiley!

A car ran over her face when she was a 4 month old pup, and she came with a huge lacerated wound that affected her upper jaw. She was also very frail and developed canine distemper. She recovered from both and we let her stay with us. She runs free with her other buddy Miracle in the Tiny Tyrants enclosure under the watchful eyes of the Powerpuff Girls.

A terrier mix living in a slum area for a large part of his life was brought to our notice. He had a deep racking cough, and investigations revealed that it was due to fluid accumulating in his lungs and an enlarged heart. He needed lifelong medications and so he stayed on with us. Matty potters around between the OPD area and the reception, shining his light on anyone he crosses paths with.

He came to us from the streets, with a weak hind leg, with panda colouring and panda eyes and hence the name. He also had urinary incontinence and all of this resulted in a horrible life on the streets. His leg condition made him almost immobile and with a lot of effort from the vets, he eventually began to move around in his own characteristic way. He is under medication currently but is happy with his friends Tilak & Shadow.

Zoafer came from Cubbon Park , had a leg injury and had stopped eating. A distant cousin of BB & Gumpy, he also had hypothyroidism for which he needed medication on a daily basis and so he stayed back. He has quickly become everyone’s favourite in the OPD and is immensely loved and cherished.

Rosie had bilateral hip dislocation that she sustained in a road accident and came to us unable to move, in a semi paralysed state and also very weak. Her blood reports also looked bad, but with sustained care, she improved. She is a quiet and friendly dog who stays in the permanent enclosure and is often seen scolding the younger residents for bad behaviour. She looks like a sweet old grandma with that salt and pepper on her snout and we love her so much.

Gabriel came as a 35 day old pup, with parvo and partial blindness. Once he recovered, Dr Chetan in his daily interactions, started to suspect that he may be deaf and his suspicion was right. He indeed was completely deaf. Knowing it would be difficult for him to survive on the streets, we introduced him to his other friends in the Gangs of Charliepur area. He now lives his life chasing Panda around.

Tilak was rescued by Keerthan, our manager, who would feed a litter of puppies on his street during the COVID lockdown. In an unfortunate turn of events, somebody had sprayed DDT on these tiny pups which resulted in their death except for Tilak, who managed to escape a similar fate and hid under a car, but unfortunately was run over which caused her a grievous injury to her abdomen. She was treated at CARE but developed canine distemper. With a spate of unfortunate incidents, Tilak finally recovered and stayed back at CARE. She is a bit shy, a bit vocal, and is very incredibly choosy about her friends.

Gopi was abandoned by his family at CARE. They were counselled and advised not to do so, and it seemed like they were convinced. However, when our team left for a different rescue, Gopi was found tied to a street pole just a few metres away. Gopi was brought back to CARE and immediately took his assignment of being a reception dog taking the place of our legendary Dash.

Zuko was rescued as a pup, who met with an accident and lost an eye. Nobody took a liking to him and so he never got adopted. However, he made his space among the Gangs of Charliepur. He is timid and shy with humans but holds his own among his gang mates

Ivy was a pet who was abandoned on the streets with a tumour – squamous cell carcinoma that affected her eyesight. She was treated at CARE and became a part of our permanent resident cats. She is completely blind, gentle and very affectionate.

Janakiram was reported as a cruelty case, found in an emaciated state.He was tied up for 7 years and fed some leftovers. He was confiscated and brought to the shelter. Now he lives freely and gets warm, nourishing meals multiple times a day in the permanent resident area.

Pongo was found as a tiny, darling puppy who was hit by a train. She came in terrible shape, with mangled hind legs and severe blood loss. Both her hind legs had to be amputated and she stayed on with us. She is a feisty girl, with a zest for life. She stays in the office area and is quite mobile using her front two legs alone.